In order to keep the youth off the streets and disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline, we host an annual curball competition to feed the community, host a clothes giveaway, give away gifts and prizes, and unite our youth to make a difference.
It is our duty at the Hamptons Academy to feed those less fortunate than us. We share our love of God by carrying out his mission of caring, sharing, and loving those in need.
We make care packages for the elderly, sick, and shut-in that may not be able to get out and shop for food. In order to remedy this issue, we deliver their food to their doorstep.
We raise money to reunite families with their loved ones who have found themselves in unfortunate situations which have caused them to be incarcerated. We want to give them a chance to be an asset to their community by paying their bond for release.
In order to boost confidence and help people feel rejuvenated, we provide custom, hand-stitched cranial prosthesis (wigs) for those who have experienced hair loss due to natural causes, alopeica or cancer.
Interested in joining us in community outreach?
Contact Us Today!
Phone: 317-970-5060
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